Thursday, January 26, 2012

*promised land

when i named the blog..i never knew how perfectly it would describe the following months.
this is a journal entry from last sunday..if you can't read my writing it says "i want to have unwavering faith & complete peace"

i really asked for it. & God really gave it. of course right? we no longer have a place to call home once we're wed..this is normal for most couples right?  i mean go rent an apartment..find something else? but it is MUCH more complicated than that for us.  i'm not going to go into a great deal of detail here, but matthew & i had a pretty rad plan all worked out. & the plan that we made for ourselves failed. see what's wrong there? the plan WE made for OURSELVES. so here we are now. about to become inseparable from faith, because if we aren't faithful we'll die. (ok, it's not that serious) & at first i was terrified. because without divine intervention there is NO WAY. but the rad thing is..the God of the universe sees us..& he hears us..& he knows us..& he will provide for us. how could i ever know the true greatness of him without desperately needing to rely on him? it's so easy to have faith & peace when the seas are calm right? i may be slightly insane right now, but i'm stoked. i have no idea where God will lead us, but i know we will see our promised land & that it will be much greater with the hard work & growth this season is going to take.

& the truth is, i'd rather be rich in love & poor in money with this boy any day.

hey, we've got our love to pay the bills & we finally got longboards to keep us entertained. i think we'll make it just fine :)

(*let me just add that neither of our families would let us go house-less..both them & some of our greatest friends opened up their home to us as well..we were just banking on our plan to obviously live alone in wedded bliss)

Sunday, January 22, 2012


                                                          how we spent our evening

how it registering for married people things.

which was awesome, because we got to use this rad scanner. look at that technique.

matthew didn't get any photos of me..probably because i was running around like a ninja..rolling on the ground..scanning everything in sight.
(ok so i messed it up..more than once..& lost my scanning privileges)
but if anyone's the first story.

anywho, we headed to target to register & matthew realized ut was playing we got tickets..we got to target with thirty minutes to spare & it was a fail. the gun target gave us wasn't very effective & i was too worried about grabbing everything in sight..that happens when i get inside a target. the game was awesome. we had so much fun.. & ut won :)

oh & also. i am loving pinterest. they have so many good recipes! we tried a new one this week

roasted parmesan green beans (which was my FAVORITE)
recipes are linked to title

who knew someone could look so adorable while washing dishes ;) 

anyway, it's been a great week, hope the next one is just as wonderful :)

Thursday, January 12, 2012

*honey honey honey

well hello again, for those of you that don't already know..the wedding date has been set. May 19th. It's getting so close. so i've been working on lots of diy mostly everything. haha. here are some photos :)

                                        our rsvp postcards that i finally found the patience to create

our sweet little candles..i love these so much.

jess & i went & plotted everything out last sunday..the fireplace is my favorite part about the reception area :)
oh & the horse will not be there for the reception..haha.

& i'll just leave you with the awesome husband & wife duo..the video is precious right? it's just perfect!