Friday, June 22, 2012

*we're moving!

yes, already. i know. insane. but we have had an amazing opportunity present itself. we are BUYING a home. yes buying. i'm stoked. it's so comforting to know that we will be putting money towards something rather than throwing it away on rent..and best of all.. WE HAVE AIR CONDITIONING. don't get me wrong..i LOVE the house we are in now it is SO quirky..& i am going to be sad to see it go..but not having air conditioning (on the second floor) is pure torture. it's been cooler outside than it has been inside our house the last few days so we have rushed with the moving & have been in the process of painting our new place. don't worry..the kitchen is still wild..just not teal:) maybe again someday though. i'll probably do a blogpost with snapshots of the new house some time soon. until then, here's what we've been  up to..

                                                    lots of exploring..which is my favorite :)

& yes, i'm going to send with a smoochie photo of me & my hubs. soo many people have asked "so how's the married life?" let me just tell you. it's wonderful. it's everything it was before..but now i get to wake up to him. the best ever.
hope all is well, until next time ;)

Saturday, June 2, 2012

**mixed media

so i've been digging for topics to post on & ways to keep this blog lively & i've struggled quite a bit. but last week a friend of mine mentioned doing a process of mixed media arts. it was totally flattering because it's not everyone's favorite..& some might not even think of it as art..but it just happens to be my most favorite. probably because it's so messy & it doesn't always have to be pretty. i apologize in advance because these photos are from my iphone in not so great light.. & this is really a pretty simple process, but here we go :)

*supplies needed 
mod podge
brushes of all sizes
a photo(optional)
found objects (ribbons, paper, buttons,keys)

start out with a blank canvas..i chose 8x8 because it's pretty simple to fill (this can be as complex or as simple as you choose) take a large brush & cover the canvas with a thin layer of mod  podge
next, choose a photo & place down..then put a coat of mod podge over the photo as well
(i normally do photo transfer which turns out super rad, but takes sooo much time.)
my paper bubbled from being so moist which i hadn't intended but it made it a bit more messy & obviously i liked that :)
next, just take paint & make a whatever you'd like..i like to use paint to frame my canvas & make a few messy little spots to add character. 
& lastly just add your found objects(in my case a key & some randon vintage style papers) i also added some gold paint to give it some could also add your favorite quote. don't forget to use a coat of some sealer to lock everything in & give it a nice finish.

all in all, it's a pretty simple project & makes for some pretty funky art..sometimes it's hard to let go & not be a total perfectionist, but this just isn't a flawless art form..which i loooove. i was happy with the way it turned out, but loved it even more when i compared it to some of my other paintings & findings & such. i can't wait to get them all hung up :)

**after note...if you are going to give this a go..make sure it's on laminate flooring or something you don't mind getting messy. i busted a paint pen that i WASN'T EVEN USING on my floor. i don't know husband says there's never a dull moment with us & oh how true that is. anyone know a good way to remove tough stains from carpet? i'm taking any suggestions :)

if you give it a try i'd love to see how it turns out!

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